Thursday, July 16, 2009

Summer school

I haven't posted in such a long time, because the kids are home from school and we have been very busy!  With the help of a tutor (My daughter's teacher from last year), the children are doing school work Monday through Friday. My daughter is also going to summer school Tuesday through Thursday.  Our days go something like this: wake up at 6:30, eat breakfast, do school work for one hour (Mon and Fri), she goes to school, my son and I do work around the house together.  Tuesday through Thursday they do two hours of work and then play, while I do housework or we go to various appointments.

Tuesday evening, we went to my sister's to celebrate her daughter's birthday. It was very nice, although we got home a bit late and my son had a meltdown.  There have been too many late nights.

Vacation Bible School is next week, so we are also getting ready for that.  I am in charge of the singing sessions and have to learn 10 songs. I am also helping get a few crafts ready and making phone calls to recruit people to help.  

So, I'm home keeping very busy with the children and household duties.  Yesterday a few friends came over, so the children could play and the moms could talk.  It was very nice.  

Week after next, we go camping.   Hopefully, it won't rain the whole week!!!