Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Start

The kids are back in school and the many jobs of the Christmas season are almost done (still haven't mailed out Christmas/New Years' cards...), so it's time to blog!

I have a lot more free time now, for a number of reasons. First, it is post-Christmas, and second, I quit my job! Things did not work out at the research lab. I was very uncomfortable with the lab supervisor's style. Since this is a public post, let's just leave it at that.

So, I have started the year off right! I got rid of a part of my life that I didn't like or need. My husband and I are doing that standard New Year's activity called "starting to exercise again" and reading the Bible more. Exercising felt great this morning and reading the Bible was satisfying last night. I will also be doing some jobs around the house that have been on our mental list for quite some time.

I know, however, that in a week, maybe less, I'll wish I had a job. I'll feel like I'm not doing enough, not really using my talents and not getting many pats on the back. I have to try to be patient. I'm going to try to resist the urge to jump into whatever I can find, especially if it's not really what I want to do.

I was also thinking that I should write up a research project proposal to show to one of the other lab supervisors I met in the Fall. Maybe we could work on a project together. I've been looking into going on a mission trip. And then there's the idea of writing a book. I'm not sure I have the perseverance. Writing well takes a lot of time.

I'll let you know how it goes. Will I be patient? Will I do those household jobs that need doing? Will I write up a research project? Will anyone care? Will I write something? ....a book, a short story, my Christmas cards??? Hmmmmmmmm......

Lots to do. Better go read "The Half Blood Prince" and get that out of the way! (ha ha)
Peace to you in the coming year.

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